
Selepas bersara, Mahathir fikir Anwar tidak lagi boleh bangkit, tetapi sangkaan
Mahathir jauh terpesong. Mahathir marah Pat Lah kerana terlalu lalai
dengan tugas-tugasnya, hinggakan memerlukan nasihat anak dan menantunya
serta kumpulan Tingkat 4 JPM untuk mentadbir Negara. Mahathir bertambah
marah bila prestasi UMNO/BN yang diterajui Pat Lah hampir-hampir
tersungkur dalam pemilu bulan March 2008 lalu dan orang membuat UMNO hampir tersungkor,tak lain tak bukan Anwar Ibrahim and Mahathir lost his cool...
Mahathir bangkit menerusi forum-forum pasca-pilihanraya untuk mengutuk kekalahan tersebut sehinggalah ke tahap meminta Pat Lah meletakkan jawatannya sebagai PM dan
bertanggungjawab terhadap apa yang telah berlaku. Tapi,who is he to tell Pat Lah to resign as PM, for he is not even an advisor to the gomen or nothing near then that?
Mahathir tidak sayang kepada UMNO, apa yang Mahathir bimbang adalah Pat Lah tak akan bertahan lama dan jika ini berlaku,pembangkang akan memerintah negara ini. Kalau setakat Hj.Abdul Hadi Awang atau Lim Kit Siang atau Wan Azizah menjadi PM,Mahathir masih boleh terima,tetapi kalaulah Anwar Ibrahim naik menjadi Perdana Menteri dekat mana Mahathir nak sorok mukanya?
Mahathir, dengan skrip drama yang disusun oleh para konspirator, dibantu oleh PDRM,Peguam Negara serta Hakim-hakim yang “correct…correct…” dia berjaya menghumban Anwar Ibrahim ke Sungai Buluh. Mungkin Mahathir terlupa bahawa adengan membawa tilam buruk dari rumahnya "Seri Perdana” oleh pihak polis naik turun mahkamah itu serta kempen memburukan Anwar Ibrahim melalui ketua-ketua cawangan dan bahagian-bahagian UMNO dahulu tidak memberi apa-apa kesan terhadap minda rakyat jelata. Sebaliknya rakyat tahu motif sebenar kenapa Mahathir beberbuat demikian, semata-mata demi menjaga dirinya serta kroninya yang menjadi memperolehi keuntungan berlipat ganda daripada projek dan tender yang diberi kepada mereka. Tetapi, sampai bila konspirasi ini boleh bertahan? Enam tahun di Sungai Buluh
bukanlah lama tetapi sudah cukup bagi Anwar Ibrahim untuk menyusun
strateginya untuk kembali ke persada politik negara.
Mahathir khuatir jika Anwar Ibrahim menjadi PM,nasib diri akan berubah,mungkin Mahathir rasa dirinya pula akan terhumban ke dalam bilik gelap di Sungai Buluh,setelah segala angkara kejahatan,rasuah dan salah guna kuasa dibongkar oleh gomen pembangkang yang baru naik.
Tetapi ini hanya satu igauan Mahathir, serta reaksi seorang yang rasa diri dan kedudukannya yang kian cemas. Apakah gomen pembangkang yang bakal naik itu sekejam Mahathir? Anwar pernah menasihati Mahathir supaya memberikan tumpuan menjaga kesihatan dirinya dan memohon maaf kepada rakyat atas kezaliman yang telah dilakukannya.
He is also trying to cool his restless soul and arrest his fear that if Anwar becomes PM he got to lick his own words for telling tales about the possibility of Anwar not becoming a PM in the near future. Sama ada Anwar boleh menjadi PM adalah ditentukan oleh kuasa Illahi bukannya Mahathir.......
Che Det didn't forsee that Pat Lah and his SIL will release Anwar from prison after only 6 yrs of the prescribed 10 yrs. He thought if he has 10 years he would be meeting his maker by the time Anwar is released. He must have regretted doing the bypass that extended his life a few more years to see Anwar out of prison and becoming PM while he is still alive.
You must have such deep hatred for Mahathir judging from your writings and the words you use to make fun of Mahathir. Rather unbecoming of a Muslim.
I must have told this before but I'm telling it again.
I remember during the DSAI crisis many ppl were upset with what DrM did. Some member of the society were saying: Elok doa bagi DrM mati.
But I remember Allahyarham Dato'Fadzil Nooor said: Jangan! Tak elok kita doa bagi org mati cepat.Kita doakan saja supaya DrM panjang umur. Jika dia panjang umur dia akan dapati satu persatu perbuatan dia di dedahkan orang dan dia akan merasa aib dan malu.
The past 1 year or so had proven what Allahyarham Dato'Fadzil said is true.Its his own ppl from UMNo that is exposing one by one of his doing.And they are exposing it bigtime. I'm sure DrM never thought UMNO ppl will do this to him.
Life is like a wheel. You can humilate ppl but one day you will be humilated.
Borrowing from Anon 15.48: Rather unbecoming of a Muslim,Mahathir was.
He regretted that he went for the second bypass but the country regretted that he went for the first bypass.
Yes, I am unbecoming of a Muslim, and what Mahathir is so becoming of one.
Ya, betoi, sebenaqnya yang dok kelupoq lani ialah Mahathir dan balaci2 dia bukan Pak Lah.
At least I don't destroy people's lives, I don't ask some one to whack my enemy, I am not vulgar on TV, I don't feed my cronies at the expense of my fellow Muslim.
The two bypasses he did is questionable. Those were just excuses to be away from being unswerable to some events happening, just check out what were those unfolding then. Kaki auta ni pandai. Konon kata dia confident dengan pakar bedah tempatan. The fact is dengan pakar tempatan dia boleh kow teem reka apa apa medical report, cuba dia kow teem dengan doktor australia ka...Apa yang keluaq daripada mulut dia semua muhong saja.
Tengok la kot sikit hari nanti kalau kena panggey pi mahkamah dia buat bypass yang ketiga pula. Sori, saja nak lepaih geram.
Kalau mahkamah panggey dia nanti kata kena buat transplant pulak kot, transplant otak, lepaih tu baru la kata dah lupa semua.
When UMNO said keDAILan have one seat.......not important. It really mean.....keDAILan is going o capture more than one seat. That was what they meant.......but it shocked them...keDAILan..won more than 20 seats!!
When Mahathir said....Anwar is a nobody...we all know..who Mahathir was.....and still is...a cunning .......corrupted LIAR!!
Mahathir never tell the truths....unless it is for his own benefits. If Anwar is a nobody......why create stupid ridiculous charges in court and put him to 6 years jail?
Anwar was and still is the biggest threat to Mahathir and his family......now what UMNO have proven...to Malaysians..is that .....they will protest their own kind...for better or worst......as they are all the birds...of the same feathers.
Umno just keep shaming him.....dare not touch him. Any man..doing hat he did...for 5 years...will be jailed or life!!
So lets not talk UMNO or Mahathir with fear. We must keep exposing them.........as newspapers are groomed to praise them.
And I still advise Malaysians....especially youngsters to develop a good habit .to read papers...and do hand writing on letters..instead of depending on a computer reading and emailing only.
Develop a balance mind..read both sides...and above all.....know 100% every event....and then judge yourself.
On Tun Salleh Abbas case..hope everyone read clearly how the 6 of them got sacked....especially the 5 who judged and supported Tun Salleh and was sacked by Mahathir.
Any 6 yuar old will tell you... Mahathir controlled the police and the judges d....yet UMNO...keep on being quiet abut this...not denying...nor admitting .. to it. So if Dollah wants to correct things....do it bravely..not half heartedly......like ....still...right now. So sad...he wants to to the right things....but have no guts...to do them completely.
I guess....he wants to stay as PM as long as possible.
He knows...in UMNO ..elected President never looses.....and usually no one will contest against the President. That's UNNO so call....democratic rghts....they created for themselves...mooted by non other than... Mahathir.
Now Mahathir wants it all changed...to see his agenda...getting rid of Dollah..works.
At age 82...and an ex-PM....Malaysia is the only country in the world...with ruling government..protecing their own corrupted .ex leader...shaming present leader and UMNO . This proves.. beyond any doubt...UMNO IS consisting mostly corrupted ministers and politicians. UMNO can ever change...as if it does..Dollah's children may ..be investigated...as Dollah is not all that saintly...as he looks.
UMNO really is a corrupted party....can only succeed by playing race and religion politics....all these 50 years.
Now...wait for hantu ...to disturb this blog.
Forgot to wish kata tak nak and kerp....and all...good health and happiness.
Have a nice weekend.
You are right when you say that Mahathir never tell the truth. It is because he doesn't know how to.
Have a good day yourself.
Memang kita tak mudah lupa apa yang berlaku kepada negara ini...
Tapi dalam dunia nie, kadangkala Allah uji kita dengan peluang untuk kita balas dendam...
Terpulanglah pada kita guna peluang itu untuk membalas perbuatan orang terhadap kita, atau memaafkan ....
Apakah kita nak menghukum TDM macam apa yang berlaku kpd Presiden Indonesia?
letting the time pass by,
Apakah Tun Mahathir ada memohon maaf kepada rakyat Malaysia? Memohon maaf kepada orang2 yang dizaliminya?
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