Sunday 18 May 2008

Blackmail vs Blackmail

First he said that the content of the Lingam RCI report was tantamount to blackmail. Blackmail? Blackmail whom?

Did he mean that the intention of the whole thing was to blackmail him? It couldn't be to blackmail Lingam because he was the one who received the whacking, justly so.

So when he said that they wanted to blackmail him, what has he got to do in return as to not be blackmailed? Stop bugging the PM? Blackmail works along the premise that the blackmailer has knowledge of something bad about someone and threatens to divulge that info unless that someone does something or gives something in return.

Has the blackmailer asked anything from him yet? Hey, blackmail is an offence. If he/she has, then he should report it to the police. Could it be that he is saying all these because he is afraid that he would be blackmailed? Funny, blackmail victims or those who fear blackmail would not speak out in public but he did.

Now lets see this new development. This is reported in The Star:
By charging me in court, I will have the opportunity to explain many things that the judges did, including lobbying,” Dr Mahathir said.

Did he say this with the wish to be charged? To me it sounds more of a warning than a request. What he is implying is, you charge me and I will sing like a canary, Now this is an open blackmail. A blackmail in public.

First he said that they wanted to blackmail him and now it looks like he wants to blackmail them. Funny fellow this desperate old man. Okay lets say that what he said about including lobbying did happen, why didn't he initiate action against them? The Tribunal in the 80s did not try those judges for lobbying. Nowhere was it mentioned that they were guilty of lobbying.

When he said including lobbying he means that there are other wrongs beside lobbying so why were they not charged for those other wrongs?

What the people could see was that since that episode, the quality of the Judiciary went down the drain. The people could guess the outcome of cases depending on the personalities put on trial and the Judges presiding over them.

Funny, by getting rid of bad apples, as he implied in his explain many things that the judges did, including lobbying, he replaced them with down right rotten and toxic ones.

He is so desperate that he is turning into a joker and no one is laughing. What is he really afraid of?

Oh yes, how come suddenly he can remember so many things but lost his memory when confronted by the commission?


Anonymous said...

I think it is a case of marahkan nyamuk, bakarkan kelambu, or maybe the whole house since he is now playing the racial card. Desperate man using desperate measures to protect his self interest. I wonder what kind of skeleton this old man has in his closet, wanna guess chegu?

Unknown said...

If there is only one or two its possible to guess, but in this case, I think there are lorry loads of skeletons of all sizes and odour, susaj nak guess la.

Asil said...

Rakyat is about to witness the Man plotting his own downfall.

And he wants to make sure everyone is going down with him.

Cikgu, let's enjoy the show!

Question is, what is his final wild card?

Unknown said...

He will plead loss of memory on some things but his memory will become clear on others: selective memory loss la.

rastom said...

Cik Gu,jika saya Sultan atau raja, orang ini saya anugerahkan pingat SMP First Class (Di Raja). Apa itu SMP ?
Seri Maha Pambu. Untuk keterangan lanjut mengenai istilah istilah sukar di Istana Nagin sila tanya cik gu.

Unknown said...

Memang dia Maha Pambu tapi bukan Nala Pambu. Nala Karupan pun bukan, Nalakarupaiah mungkin.

Si Nagin ini memang berbisa sebab asai dari neraka.

Pak Zawi said...

He should have retired and keep a low profile. Now who can tell where all these will lead to. Malaysia will be made the laughing stock of the world.

Unknown said...

We are already the laughing stock. Doesn't he know that we would be scrutinized in detail. He does, so why he keeps on doing it?

He has bitten more than he could chew so now he's choking and a choking man is just like a drowning man, he grabs at anyone and pulls him along with him.

cakapaje said...

Salam Cikgu,

There is a blackmailing attempt...but it was by this Man from the very beginning. Almost each person handpicked to serve the Man during his rule, each had some skeletons to hide and the Man hid it for them, promising to reveal everything if they do not support him. And please, let us not hinder the Man from revealing everything so the public will know the truth of those people...and especially about this Man.

Unknown said...

The problem is that his recollection would be very selective.

Kerajaan Rakyat said...

Saya bukan ahli politik, tetapi saya membaca sifir politik melalui pemerhatian serta pengamatan tindak-laku dan sandiwara para pelakonnya. Pelakon sandiwara politik adalah mereka yang menjadikan lapangan politik sebagai sumber pendapatannya.

Slogan dan retorik yang beraneka adalah skrip sandiwara kutu-kutu politik ini. Samada kutu-kutu ini mementaskan sandiwara politik mereka di peringkat nasional, negeri, daerah atau desa, matlamat dasar mereka adalah meraih perhatian, simpati dan sokongan rakyat demi meliliti mereka dengan kekuasaan yang lumrahnya berakhir dengan matlamat sebenar mereka – menggunungkan harta kekayaan dan wang ringgit.

Sejarah banyak membuktikan, terlalu banyak mereka yang telah berpuluh tahun berkhidmat sebagai guru atau pengetua atau pegawai PTD yang hanya mampu memiliki sebuah rumah kediaman yang sederhana dan hanya termampu memiliki kereta paling hebatpun mungkin Proton Perdana atau Honda Accord 2.0 atau Volvo secondhand.

Manusia yang sama apabila terpilih sebagai wakil rakyat samada sebagai Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri atau Ahli Dewan Rakyat dalam jangka masa 4 atau 5 tahun telah berubah menjadi jutawan dengan hartanah, kereta dan perniagaan yang berbagai dalam nilai jutaan dan mungkin puluhan juta ringgit.

Unknown said...

Memang tepat sekali pemerhatian saudara. Kalau dulu-dulu, harta kekayaan yang diperolehi secara tiba-tiba ini tidak lah di tayangkan sangat tetapi sekarang telah menjadi seolah-olah satu kebanggaan untuk menunjuk-nunjuk harta kekayaan ini sebab mereka tahun tiada siapa pun dapat sentuh mereka.

tokasid said...

Tun mahu di charge di mahkamah?

Orang tua:
Ya...biaq depa charge saya di mahkamah.Di sana saya akan bongkarkan apa yg hakim2 buat masa nak jawatan dulu...termasuk melobi.Saya harap bila di court hakim akan beri peluang saya beri keterangan.

Jadi yang tak melobi lah yang Tun pilih dulu?

Orang tua: Yang itu saya tak ingat sangat.Mungkin melobi mungkin tak melobi....

Oh!Tun tak berapa nak ingat...jadi kalau pergi ke court Tun boleh ingat semula?Ingat siapa yg melobi ?
Orang tua;
Itu kena tengok dulu hakim mana yg handle kes saya. batu saya tahu dia melobi atau tidak.

Pemberita: jadi Tun bersedia ke mahkamah.tapi semasa perbicaraan DSAI dulu Tun tak mahu ke mahkamah.Tun mahu tahu apa soalan yg nak di tanya dulu....

Orang tua: Itu lain....Err.saya ingat ini semua sabotaj budak Anwat tu..dia yang release video clip Lingham tu kan?
Ya...ya...ini semua mesti perancangan dia.

Macamana perancangan dia Tun?Kan 5-6 nama impilicated oleh RCI tu adalah org2 yg rapat dgn Tun bukan DSAI?

Orang tua:Ini cara dia nak blackmail saya....memang dia yg buat ni semua

pemberita: Blackmail?tapi bila Tun kata nak dedahkan hakim2 yg melobi KALAU Tun di charge nanti, bukan kah itu jugak blackmail?

Orang tua: Dak...dak...itu bukan blackmail.Itu namanya nak dedahkan.

Maknanya apa yg hakim2 buat dulu termasuk melobi adalah salah?

Orang tua: Ya...salah.tak bermoral.

pemberita: jadi sebagai ganti Tun telah lantik yang bermoral ke?dan jika ketika itu perbuatan mereka salah mengapa Tun tak ambil tindakan waktu itu?Adakah sebab Tun nak blackmail mereka sekarang?

Orang tua:

hang ni sapa? penama hang ni???

Saya pemberita dari akhbar Suara Keadilan.

monsterball said...

What do you expect a crook..being say?
Judgment Day is near!!


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