Monday 7 May 2007


First of all, I would like to call upon all Man Utd supporters to pat themselves in the back for this glorious victory. Then I would like to thank Arsenal, not that we can't do it at Stamford Bridge, for making our work easier. Actually we were thinking of doing it this weekend with a 6 - 0 thrashing of old big mouth's team but nowadays everybody wants to do us a favour. Well! thats the way it is, when you are champions, everyone wants to be your friend except of course a certain team also in red who goes around boasting that they are in another final, one that they say is more glorious.

The English Premier League is argueably the best, most attractive and most gruelling league in the world where many of the world's best players play. A team goes though months of real hard play through 38 gruelling matches and the countless matches in lesser competitions such as the Carling Cup, FA Cup and Champions League. The team that wins the Premier League deserves to call themselves the best team in the world.

Fittingly, this title goes to Manchester United this year after a three year absence. Manchester United has dominated this competition so ruthlessly by winning it 9 times in 15 seasons. No team could emulate this awesome feat. The English Premier League is so exclusive that since its inception only 4 teams have walked away with the trophy namely Manchester United and 3 other pretenders in Arsenal, Blackburn and Chelsea. I do not see the name of a certain team in red in the list. Yes, they have their claims to winning in Europe, a competition created solely for the purpose of making money where luck is the order of the day but when it comes to the real crunch, the real competition for men with skills, courage and balls, it must be The English Premier League.

A word to other teams, for their own good, do not try to fight us, learn from us.


Unknown said...

Glory Glory Man United, Glory Glory Man United.

We Are the Champion, We are the Champion!

Simply the best! Better than all the rest!


zewt said...

The title is back where it belongs. love your last sentence... the EPL is the place for real competition...

Unknown said...

I can't help it, I want to sing it again

Alliedmartster said...

16 at home IS NOT WORTH 5 in Europe......
But anyways, congrats...

Mr. Right said...

alliedmartster u damn rite..!

2 words:
Jaguh kampung...

But, I prefer Alex to hold the cup than Moronho.

all the best for FA Cup.

zorro said...

What more can I say? Will your son in law switch from Liverpool to MU. The family that cheers together stays together. Saturday then at Stamford Bridge.
Hey chegu, you take care of Mr. Right and I will handle my friend alliedmarster. Tony I see you at Maria's house for mee rebus tomorrow at 1 jl ss7/22,

Unknown said...

Mr. Right an Allied,
Well, in that case the World Cup Club covers all the continents then, does that make it a more prestigious competition. Come on get real. Anyway I understand both of you are saying it to lick your wounds and pacify yourself for not being able to have your fingerprints on the most coveted football trophy for clubs. Well, I suggest Reina learns from Blackburn, they have held it once. Ha, ha, ha,. Its all a joke guys, but all the same a good one. Tell you what we give you handicap 15 points for next year, is that ok? Ha, ha, ha.

Joking again. Just to show there is goodwill, I'll be rooting for Liv in the not so glorious Champions League Final.

buayaputih said...

I'll go for Milan. Heh!

Unknown said...

Well its a better choice than liv, and they (Milan) will win the Champions League that will make them the 2nd best team in the world, he he he

muststopthis said...

In all honesty, I think Milan will be the favourites, after humbling the now English Champions.
Liverpool's weakness has been consistency away from home in the EPL.
If you consider this years home results, Man U is below Liverpool, but the key to winning the EPL is the whole 38 games.
So, you won this year. Well done.
I think, if you ask Fergie, he'll tell you he prefers the Champions League (read the star today).
Hopefully, you can do it again against Chelsea come May 19th.
I am only rooting for MU cos I just can't stand Mourinho. I think he is a really good example of a sore loser....also, have to lah....other half is an MU fan...

Unknown said...

I'll tell your other half. To be frank, I think Milan is a great team. Fergie may want the champion's leagur coz he won it only once and the money is good.
Well, anyway good luck to Liv, they will need it, tons of it.

Roy Eusoffe said...


MU is superb! Bravo! Cheers!

Unknown said...

Way to go bro,

Anonymous said...

Bro, on behalf of my eldest son (he adores MU very much) I would like to screammm...HURRRRAYYYY! as he screamed at my ears yesterday...

Unknown said...

only your youngest son?

Anonymous said...

Hehehe...the rest of us...don't quite love football, really... I lost the touch a long time ago...ever since the football are was contaminated with scandals and money...

ahm said...

what an english....

sory to tell you that your english is suck

the rule is that, when you write in english, think in english

Mr. Right said...

English adalah bangsa, English language adalah bahasa... ngok..!

Please remember blog not an English language text book. Apa pun cara dia tulis, berapa banyak pun grammar mistake dia buat, selagi reader faham apa yang nak disampaikan sudah lah. Kalau kau rasa your level of english too good, dan kau rasa tak selesa membaca tulisan dia...sila berambus...!

Sorry, aku backing kau without permission, aku memang geram dengan pengkritik yang nak cari glamer.

Unknown said...

Mr Right
Thanx a lot. Saja nak tunjuk sikit. Mana dia belajaq " your English is suck". Mungkin dia pikiaq macam tu kot?

Unknown said...

kata tak nak...When you put this message know I can talk and talk about football...but I leave it to prove I WAS RIGHT...MU won the league cup...with two games to spare.
Best killings by bookies were the Semi final second leg matches betweem Liverpool and Chelsea..and MU/AC Milan on the European cup.
I heard many from China want to divorce their wives...blaming them for bad luuks...hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Monty....ManU did not win the League CUp ler....they won the Premier League...League Cup 2007 was won by Chelsea ler...In order of Merit
EPL - Premier League
FA Cup - Football Association Cup (Oldest knock out tournament in the world of football)
League Cup - Least preferred, but still a cup!
Charity Shield - Season openner between EPL & FA Cup winner...

Liverpool's Fan said...

kita tak mo kata apa la kan...congrat tu jaguh kampong...mcm rashid sidek..jgn maghh ce'gu...

Unknown said...

Tak maghah aih, mola mesti menang di kampung dulu, lepaih tu baghu la pi luag menang. Menang pertandingan knock-out ni kan tak dak uuumm la sama macam Greece menang Euro pasai apa takdak kick?
Anyway sekali lagi good luck in athens coz thats what it is, luck.


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