Tuesday 12 January 2010


Since we got married, she has celebrated, without fail, 30 birthdays with me. Yes, my lovely wife, Asma, is 51 today. Happy Birthday Ama. Oh, yes, I call her Ama, not sayang, or darling and she calls me Ajit not sayang or abang or whatever.

One of my 3 wishes, if given Aladdin's lamp, would be that she leads a long, happy and healthy life. She deserves it. You see she works fulltime as a housewife, the most underated and underpaid profession.

She is, of course, the one in the middle of the caption above. I couldn't find one of her alone, nice and recent enough, so I uploaded this caption of the 3 most important women in my life. They do look alike don't they?


AngeL BeaR said...

happy birthday~~~~

And she is still beautiful~~ god bless and may she will have lots more happiness and blessings throughout the year~ =)

Sally said...

Happy Birthday and God's blessing be upon your family.

Unknown said...

Anak mami :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kak Asma... semoga lebih dirahmati dan dilindungi dgn kasih sayang Allah dan ahli keuarga yang yang lain... amiin.

You are blessed CheGu to have 3 beautiful ladies in your life! I had met 2 of them, tho... hehehe

Despite the number 51, your wife is gracefully beautiful...You don't need the special name, you ARE special, to her, to your family, to me and to us all!

Anonymous said...

Many-many returns of the day.
Happy Birthday.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mrs CherGu, Madam Ama!

May ALLAH bless you with happiness, long life, healthy, prosperity and joyful moments with hubby and kids throughout years to come.

Gosh, CherGu you indeed have lovely daughters yeap!!!!

Kerp (Ph.D) said...

hepi 51st bday kak Asma!

monsterball said...

Happy birthday to your lovely wife.
May 2010 gives her plenty of happiness kata tak nak owes her for so many years...when she was left alone...all the past years.
May she forgive kat tak nak...as he was actually go all out to earn a living to feed the whole family.
May she be healthy ...well and good.

Frank said...


You are one lucky devil....you!!!

Happy birthday to your BETTER half and many many happy returns to your Mrs..

Did you bring her out for a real dinner treat or just nasi lemak?

ahoo said...

Chegu, tell her that she is your NECK and your are just the HEAD !
Without her you cannot move freely mah. Thus, both must co-exist with one thinking and the other moving in harmony.

Happy Birthday to your lover ! May she continues to light the way of your life and you continue to be the real man of the house.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Mrs CheGu and God bless both of you !

Be happy and stay healthy.....

nuraina samad said...

happy birthday to your beloved signifcant other AKA Kak Asma,

many happy returns ...

may you have many more years blissfully together!

best wishes from

nuraina a samad

nuraina samad said...

happy birthday to your beloved signifcant other AKA Kak Asma,

many happy returns ...

may you have many more years blissfully together!

best wishes from

nuraina a samad

Mike Tan said...

Many happy returns!
May TUHAN (I can't say the other word :D)bless your beautiful lady
and your goodself with many more memorable years ahead.

zorro said...

Happy Birthday Asma. Lucky devil you Chegu.....with three angels to watch over you!

Anonymous said...

Selamat Ulang Tahun Kak Asma...

... cepatnya masa berlalu... saya masih teringat... saya tanya apa hadiah yang Kak Asma dapat tahun lepas... masa tu kecoh Siti Nurhaliza dapat jam beratus ribu...


cakapaje said...

Salam Cikgu,

Mohon maaf kerana lewat komen di sini, terutama mengenai sambutan Hari Tarikh Lahir akak.

Harap dapat sampaikan salam saya kepadanya, dan ucapan bahagia. Semoga dipanjangkan umur dalam keimanan bersama kekasihnya, penulis blog Kata Tak Nak ;D


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