Police: Thank you for agreeing to meet us here in your house.
Madam: I just want to know how my son died so I am willing to cooperate. Would you like to have a drink first?
Police: That's very kind of you madam. Yes, please, it is a rather hot day, could you give me something cold please? Err, maybe lychee with longan. No sugar please, just fresh maple syrup and can I also have some nice and cold cendol with pulut?
Madam: Here you are.
Police: But madam, this is ice water only?
Madam: That's all I have, so please let us go on with your investigations.
Police: Okay madam. Did your son mention that he had problems at work?
Madam: No.
Police: Did he say that he was suicidal? Did he say that he could not stand life anymore and that he wished he could die?
Madam: You gila ka?
Police: Did he act strangely prior to his death, like forgetting to wear his clothes to work or wearing slippers in his hand?
Madam: Confirm you sudah gila.
Police: Was he talking to himself or singing loudly in public?
Madam: Lu memang gila.
Police: Did your son tell you that all the DAP assemblymen in PR Selangor are on the take?
Madam: No, he said they are very-very clean.
Police: Did he say that the MB is corrupt?
Madam: No.
Police: Did he say that he wanted to report to the MACC about corruption involving his boss?
Madam: No, but he did say that he wanted to make a report regarding Toyo's corruption.
Police: Lets not involve other people here especially when there is no evidence. Was your son friends with undesirable people?
Madam: No, he was not buddy-buddy with any BN people.
Police: I mean was he close to triad members, loan sharks, pimps, drug lords?
Madam: No he distanced himself from BN people.
Police: Was your son close to Nordin Mohd Top?
Madam: Who is he?
Police: Was you son a friend of Osama Ben Laden?
Madam: Why? Is he your grandfather?
Police: Was your son with Anwar when he sodomised Saiful?
Madam: What are you up to? I thought you wanted to investigate his death, what will all these prove?
Police: Sorry madam, I know the truth hurts. We have reasons to believe that your son was not mentally stable. He was suicidal. We also have reasons to believe that he had got himself involved with bad people.
Madam: Don't be crazy la. Unlike you, my son was mentally healthy before he died and he did not mix around with BN people.
Police: Where was your son on September 11 2001?
Madam: How would I know, that was 9 years ago?
Police: Has your son ever gone to Memali to meet Ibrahim Libya?
Madam: Have you ever been for a brain scan?
Police: One last question madam, Did the PR Selangor people coach you to answer all our questions?
Madam: They asked me to tell the truth but they never warned me that I would be dealing with a mad man?
Police:Madam: You have been most uncooperative. I am very disapointed with you. I think if you could follow me to the MACC office where your son died and meet the officers there, your memory could be refreshed.
Madam: Can you guarantee me that I would come home alive?

Madam: I just want to know how my son died so I am willing to cooperate. Would you like to have a drink first?
Police: That's very kind of you madam. Yes, please, it is a rather hot day, could you give me something cold please? Err, maybe lychee with longan. No sugar please, just fresh maple syrup and can I also have some nice and cold cendol with pulut?
Madam: Here you are.
Police: But madam, this is ice water only?
Madam: That's all I have, so please let us go on with your investigations.
Police: Okay madam. Did your son mention that he had problems at work?
Madam: No.
Police: Did he say that he was suicidal? Did he say that he could not stand life anymore and that he wished he could die?
Madam: You gila ka?
Police: Did he act strangely prior to his death, like forgetting to wear his clothes to work or wearing slippers in his hand?
Madam: Confirm you sudah gila.
Police: Was he talking to himself or singing loudly in public?
Madam: Lu memang gila.
Police: Did your son tell you that all the DAP assemblymen in PR Selangor are on the take?
Madam: No, he said they are very-very clean.
Police: Did he say that the MB is corrupt?
Madam: No.
Police: Did he say that he wanted to report to the MACC about corruption involving his boss?
Madam: No, but he did say that he wanted to make a report regarding Toyo's corruption.
Police: Lets not involve other people here especially when there is no evidence. Was your son friends with undesirable people?
Madam: No, he was not buddy-buddy with any BN people.
Police: I mean was he close to triad members, loan sharks, pimps, drug lords?
Madam: No he distanced himself from BN people.
Police: Was your son close to Nordin Mohd Top?
Madam: Who is he?
Police: Was you son a friend of Osama Ben Laden?
Madam: Why? Is he your grandfather?
Police: Was your son with Anwar when he sodomised Saiful?
Madam: What are you up to? I thought you wanted to investigate his death, what will all these prove?
Police: Sorry madam, I know the truth hurts. We have reasons to believe that your son was not mentally stable. He was suicidal. We also have reasons to believe that he had got himself involved with bad people.
Madam: Don't be crazy la. Unlike you, my son was mentally healthy before he died and he did not mix around with BN people.
Police: Where was your son on September 11 2001?
Madam: How would I know, that was 9 years ago?
Police: Has your son ever gone to Memali to meet Ibrahim Libya?
Madam: Have you ever been for a brain scan?
Police: One last question madam, Did the PR Selangor people coach you to answer all our questions?
Madam: They asked me to tell the truth but they never warned me that I would be dealing with a mad man?
Police:Madam: You have been most uncooperative. I am very disapointed with you. I think if you could follow me to the MACC office where your son died and meet the officers there, your memory could be refreshed.
Madam: Can you guarantee me that I would come home alive?
The truth might never be seen unless BN voted out. So Malaysians..... do your part!
Yes, you are very right.
The people in power always think that the laymen are fools and can be turnover with some spinnings.
Obviously, they think that we have short memory and thus with some new packaging, we'll continue to buy their stories.
Let us make it clear that it is not an issue of a chinese man being death in MACC building BUT a anak Malaysia. With so many deaths in custody to date, we are already one of the most famous nation in the world today !
Those men in uniform have no shame when their religious obligation is to serve others with reverence to God. We can be of any religion but to ill treat another fellow human being beyond the call of duty is way out of God's guiding principles. Sorry, Chegu for rambling and forget that they have no religion in the first place other than their position and boss.
Another irretrievable cross-court drop shot that only Chegu can execute. Syabas....match to you.
Ah, thank you! Thank you!
Ketagih, waiting for your latest installment. Amidst all the madness, humour is always welcome, even if it is dark humour.
As to the Malefically Asinine Corruption Conspirators and the rest of their gang, enough has been said about them. Tired already!
Salam Cikgu,
I especially the replies below:
Police: Lets not involve other people here especially when there is no evidence. Was your son friends with undesirable people?
Madam: No, he was not buddy-buddy with any BN people.
Police: I mean was he close to triad members, loan sharks, pimps, drug lords?
Madam: No he distanced himself from BN people.
Wish I could embold those replies and make size 20 font and send it to their hq in pwtc.
To think that majority of MACC staff claimed to be god fearing muslim. Is it any wonder that non muslim fears Islam here in Malaysia? It makes me so angry that these so called "muslim" don't have any regards for human life, justice, fairness and compassion, all just for the sake of keeping UMNO in power so that "ketuanan melayu" lives on. Do they think that Allah is going to accept their "ketuanan melayu" reasoning for all the evil they have done? Don't count on it you evil doer! You're going to get your comeuppance and you're going to get it "good" from The AlMighty, The Just Avenger. Myself and all those victims of yours are praying to Allah for justice! Just you wait!
Power not only corrupts, power blinds and when you are blind you are bound to hit into something, believe me.
The Premier League again this year and lets make it 4 in a row.
yes, it's tiring to thing of these people but once in a while despite the boredom, I seethe with anger. I simply hate bullies.
I am sure their staff have received many in size 40. people are simply not amused with their charades.
What makes me more angry is the fact that these people are Muslims.
i had a good laugh especially on the ones shah highlighted. you really got me in stitches la boss...hehhehehehe...
hahahahaha... "The Middle Road" blog owner..Romerz have posted this in his blog.
You are famous la.
KTN, I am only tired of thinking up choice descriptions for these despicable asses. I too seethe with anger... and frustration at being able to do little about it except make symbolic gestures - gestures that they will simply ignore.
I want to make them sit up and take note. I want them to shiver in fear. I want them to hurt.
I want them out on their butts.
What can I do to make that happen?
Chegu.. thats the truth... jgn susah susah go Switzerland to commit legal suicide... just go to Wisma Masalam can liao. MACC will be only too glad to help.
Yes, I laugh with you to hide my disgust at this people.
Yes, I went over there. Thanx.
The first thing we must do is to not stop. Yes, it may seem to be a futile effort but nothing venture, nothing gain.
I'll continue doing it the way I know best and one day God willing, we will triumph. I just hope I will live to see the day but whatever it is, fight, we must.
Malaysian Joe.
The next time, a judge hands out a death sentence, he might do this this way: You are found guilty and be sentenced to detention at the MACC.
i like this one CikGu. once this happen, we will see Jabatan Penjara and Polis Lock-up Detention Centres gone jobless, sells Pisang Goreng and Sapu jalan like DBKL and sleeps under tree at 11am working hours! funnie lah...
Kata Tak Nak said...
Malaysian Joe.
The next time, a judge hands out a death sentence, he might do this this way: You are found guilty and be sentenced to detention at the MACC.
24 July 2009 11:09
greetings my dear cikgu.been a while since i have been.hope u ae keeping up well.The TBH tragedy has brought much anguish and sorrow.This beautiful country of ours is being run to the ground,a bloddy unfairground for that matter.Tapi apa boleh buat? apa nak buat?i rest my case lah mr.cikgu.i m done with this politics.thats y dah lama tak baca ur blog.i m into ternak kambing jamnapari,cacing, lintah and sayur kailan.
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