Tuesday 3 March 2009


I know I have not been a good old man by not updating my blog. The reason? Actually there are three.

First, I have been rather unwell lately, what with my BP deciding that it actually like heights, and my big fat lumpy body declaring that even breathing is a strenuous exercise.

Next, I have been busy with personal matters though almost incapacitated by extreme fatigue brought about the the above mentioned malady.

To cap it all, I am simply not in the mood to write at the present time.

So now dear readers, I am announcing a self-imposed sanction for about 10 days. I will be back on the 13th. Why 13th? I don't know, maybe because 3 plus 10 makes 13.

I will still surf and comment at others but will not write anything unless of course something really big happens.

See you in 10 days.


joolee said...

take it easy. high blood pressure is nothing to laugh about. stay well.

Anonymous said...

Selamat beristirehat cikgu.

Kerp (Ph.D) said...

i know for a fact you dig gory stuff, your return date couldnt be more apt than friday the 13th. yake it easy cikgu.

Pak Oncu said...

salam Boss.. kira mogok jugak lahh ni ye???

Anonymous said...

tenang-tenang chegu, rehat secukupnya. sambil rehat tu, dekatkan lagi diri dengan Allah.

Anonymous said...

High BP, eh?

Cikgu, do try chelation as both my brother's and brother-in-law's BP normalised after 3-5 chelation treatments.

Anonymous said...

Cikgu, do take a good break and come back on the 13th, bouncing like the energiser bunny!

Ydiana said...


Sorry to hear about your health. If you're in Kl, I would have given you a plant by the name of 'sambung nyawa'. Eat 2-3 leaves a day as ulam with rice. See if you can find it in Penang. It taste good and great medicinal value. I have some info in my greatminds, but you can google elsewhere too.

Take care!

mantra-indeeptots said...

Salam cikgu

Have a good rest. Sad to hear you r not feeling well... Take care!

Anonymous said...

Salam Che Gu,

Berehat, santai aje, kurangkan
stress. Take care che gu.


aN_archi said...

Hey Ajit, forget about school, forget about politics, forget the blogging, forget everything man... just this once. Nothing is worth the expense of your health. Just cool it man; its going to be the holidays soon ( nine days of it ). Go eat some ice-cream and watch a movie. Dont worry, be happy.

mem-Besar said...

salam!! pergi umrah ka? take care.

Anonymous said...

hi chegu,
there are time when we all need a break from anything, be it good or bad.u deserve a break, we, well i have been selfish to read your blog which is very entertaining and expect you to continue writing..take d break, thanks

Anonymous said...


Selamat berehat...


Malaysian Joe said...

Cikgu, health is priority. Eat healthy and exercise. Take care. Will miss your wonderful stories.

Anonymous said...

Salam bro...

Take care and hope you'll get better soon.

my du'a includes you too... wassalam.

Anonymous said...

take care cikgu,hope u get well soon.i am taking a break as well .if not i think i would certainly jump of the cliff because of the stress.The goons are driving me nuts.ciao.

Anonymous said...

dei fat pundek,take care of yourself by having a good rest.the currrent sick political situation made u sick i presume.have a good rest

zorro said...

Chegu....yes, take a break and a good R&R. BP soars because of the passion put into one's chosen vocation. Take care Sir.

zorro said...

Chegu....yes, take a break and a good R&R. BP soars because of the passion put into one's chosen vocation. Take care Sir.


have a good break, sir! hope to see you soon...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the SMS - wishing you - Wa sabbit-na 'ala millati rasulik (Muhammad).

Welcome back this coming 13th -Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negeri Perak (PAC)!

Anonymous said...

relaklah dan tenangkan fikiran..lepas tu baru boleh blogging lagi.


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