Dear Sir,
I read with great relief that you have decided to put forward a rescue plan to the tone of RM60 billion to be spread over 2 years.
Phew! The first part of my prayers to god has been answered. You see sir, actually, I had prayed for something in the region of about RM100 billion but 60B is quiet palatable. It is definitely better than nothing.
As I understand it, being someone who has no training in economics, a large portion of the amount is not direct from the treasury to the people. I mean you are not actually going to que up at the lines at Bank Negara (Do they have lines there?) with a withdrawal slip and withdraw 60B and open up a counter at the entrance to disburse the money, aren't you? Phew! That's a great relief sir. For a moment there, I thought you would actually do that. Would appreciate it if you could give me a call should you decide to actually do it coz I would like to be amongst the early birds, if you know what I mean?
Anyway, from what I have read there will actually be some spending direct from the treasury. If I am not wrong, this direct sum do add up to quite a few billions of RM. Now sir comes the second part of my prayers.
I am only a low down civil servant so I would not be gaining much. I wonder sir, if the amount you would be spending could go down directly to the people drowning in the Economic Tsunami? I mean if you want to throw a lifeline, it would be better to throw it directly to those drowning rather than hand the lifeline to a fat sleepy headman who would then exchange the strong rope for an inferior one and hand it to his lieutenant who would further change it and in the end the drowning guy has to content with used rafia strings (Did I spell rafia correctly? Too lazy to look it up)
I can still remember sometime back in the late 90s when they had the Operasi Payung, a 250K allocation to a school ended up with less than 100K worth of jobs because the rest were hijacked along the way.
In other words sir, please ensure that this rescue act is not looked upon as another gravy train. 10B could mean a lot if 10B worth of jobs is given out meaning that 10B worth of employment is created. If only about 3 or 4B of actuall job and employment comes out of a 10B allocation then I can guarantee you sir, your plan would be a failure.
Please tell all those fat-bellied friends of yours that this time it is for the country, not for them. They are already rich enough sir. Its us, the people down here, the people who are swallowing water in nose-deep pools who need the aid most.
Which is more important, their bank account or our stomach? Come on sir, while we are screaming for dear life, they are still dining well. Their bank accounts are still sinfully bloated while ours, if there is still any, is dangerously thin.
As for the rest of your plans, I can't say I could comment much because I don't know much about economy but one thing I do know is that all those soft loans that you have stashed up there should be disbursed of fairly, not just to sympathisers and sycophants.

I read with great relief that you have decided to put forward a rescue plan to the tone of RM60 billion to be spread over 2 years.
Phew! The first part of my prayers to god has been answered. You see sir, actually, I had prayed for something in the region of about RM100 billion but 60B is quiet palatable. It is definitely better than nothing.
As I understand it, being someone who has no training in economics, a large portion of the amount is not direct from the treasury to the people. I mean you are not actually going to que up at the lines at Bank Negara (Do they have lines there?) with a withdrawal slip and withdraw 60B and open up a counter at the entrance to disburse the money, aren't you? Phew! That's a great relief sir. For a moment there, I thought you would actually do that. Would appreciate it if you could give me a call should you decide to actually do it coz I would like to be amongst the early birds, if you know what I mean?
Anyway, from what I have read there will actually be some spending direct from the treasury. If I am not wrong, this direct sum do add up to quite a few billions of RM. Now sir comes the second part of my prayers.
I am only a low down civil servant so I would not be gaining much. I wonder sir, if the amount you would be spending could go down directly to the people drowning in the Economic Tsunami? I mean if you want to throw a lifeline, it would be better to throw it directly to those drowning rather than hand the lifeline to a fat sleepy headman who would then exchange the strong rope for an inferior one and hand it to his lieutenant who would further change it and in the end the drowning guy has to content with used rafia strings (Did I spell rafia correctly? Too lazy to look it up)
I can still remember sometime back in the late 90s when they had the Operasi Payung, a 250K allocation to a school ended up with less than 100K worth of jobs because the rest were hijacked along the way.
In other words sir, please ensure that this rescue act is not looked upon as another gravy train. 10B could mean a lot if 10B worth of jobs is given out meaning that 10B worth of employment is created. If only about 3 or 4B of actuall job and employment comes out of a 10B allocation then I can guarantee you sir, your plan would be a failure.
Please tell all those fat-bellied friends of yours that this time it is for the country, not for them. They are already rich enough sir. Its us, the people down here, the people who are swallowing water in nose-deep pools who need the aid most.
Which is more important, their bank account or our stomach? Come on sir, while we are screaming for dear life, they are still dining well. Their bank accounts are still sinfully bloated while ours, if there is still any, is dangerously thin.
As for the rest of your plans, I can't say I could comment much because I don't know much about economy but one thing I do know is that all those soft loans that you have stashed up there should be disbursed of fairly, not just to sympathisers and sycophants.
Welcome back Cikgu and just timely to kick the butt off the 60b stimulus, created to stimulate the bank accounts of the greedy ones.
We ordinary folks are thrown a line to help sink us faster! Where do you think the 60b come from? Higher taxes, corporate or personal. IRD will go after the smaller companies with a vengeance via their field audit. The back-tax and compound (fines) will kill off these companies. Who will suffer? The employees!
Hi Chegu,
Sudah balik?! How's the BP doing? Rest well, dun mind the politicians, just a load of hot air.
Where's the money coming from? Deffinately not from them or their rich cronies. At least the old Tun cut income tax and corp tax. This one thinking of giving out projects only. Already word on the street is that new projects are to be 'tendered' very soon.
We will still be in deep shit in the coming months..anyway, nice to hear from you again.
Welcome back Cikgu, rock on!
He will tell you to fuck off...hahahahahahaha
He will say...some people are destined to be filthy rich...chosen by Allah.
And UMNO leaders are all chosen to be filthy rich....dressed up with making Malaysians vote for them to be like so.
He will say...Allah have spoken to so many vote for UMNO. It's God's will.
He will say...when he sworn by the Koran...he never met the Mongolian girl..judges and police...all believed him.
You want some of the money?...he will ask you.
Are you ready to lick his balls?
He will tell you......look how he made MCA rich by being pimps to him.
How he made Indians...happy to be coolies.
He will tell you....Gerakan is good for nothing...toothless gangsters....dare not protect no more Malays votes to help Gerakan in Penang. He will say..he purposely gave Penang to DAP....and if you keep on being disrespectful to him,....he will transfer you to Timbuktu to teach to speak..."England".
Salam Cik Gu
Ah, its nice to see you're back again in cyberspace, carry on with the good work Cik Gu. Hope the Govt. is sincere (I want to believe they are sincere, sigh.....!) and the people will benefit from this rescue plan.
Wow I was away , cikgu oso away ke ...
Any chance the stimulus plan will include an a paid trip to see Man United this July in KL ?
That oso spending mahh to revive economy ...rite arrr cikgu ..
Nice to be back ...sibuk sikit je
I think their 'bible' states that onery folks should be treated indifferently an so us onery people, don't hope too much.
Where the dough comin from? Don't expect them to use their father's money lar. What they would do is take our money and give us back half of it, the rest is their consultation fee.
Thanks and rock on to you too.
I aint gonna lick no one's balls, that for sure.
Wishing for fairness from the like of those people nis a dangerous think. It might give you a heart attack.
Front row seats and a chance to drink with the boys and I would consider slowing down a bit in criticising them critters.
Welcome back... I nie pun fat belly tapi tak kawan 'dia'... I kawan Cikgu...
You pun fat-belly jugak ka? Memang buleh kawan la.
glad to see back.With regards to the piece u wrote, lets put it this way.its a never ending cycle lah would take years to get rid of these kind of people.They keep coming back.Take the place i cari makan.Every year the boss kicks out a few "bahalols" and a few new "bahalols" arrive withpot fail.Their antics drives us up the wall and some to the cliff as well.BUt" apa saya boleh buat'?
its really out of our hands lah cikgu.
Manchester United 1
Liverpool 4
Yes, its out of our hands but one thing is not and that is us. We must not eventually end like them.
Even world champions have off days but last night's results changes nothing. We are still on course for the Championship and Liverpool is still on course for a barren year. I guess its a consolation for any team to beat MU so congrats for hitting the consolation prize.
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