Thursday 31 January 2008

Is It That Difficult To Be A Human Being And Apologise?

I read The People's Parliament and this strikes me very deep.

Too late, Dr M, too late. Too late to cover up your dark deeds by blaming the Badawi administration.

How I had wished, when you were in your hospital bed in IJN recuperating, that you would do the decent thing - repent and admit all the wrongs you had done towards this nation and its people, all too numerous to enumerate here.

True repentance would have led you to speak the truth at the VK Lingam session, would have caused you to open up and apologise and attempt to make things right, would have been medicine for this suffering nation. But you did not.

True repentance means you are willing to do all that it takes to undo the harm you caused. But you are not.

I have been waiting for a very long time for this heartless entity to apologise but only he who thinks what he has done is right would not apologise or only he whose ego dwarfs the Himalayas would not apologise for the humongous misdeeds that he has committed.

Just a simple sincere apology for all you have done to the country would suffice. Don't blame Pak Lah, he had you as a teacher. The domesticated judiciary, the impotent police, the incompetent ACA, the sterile and dirty YBs and Minister, the sycophantic MSM and the corrupt bureaucracy that we are experiencing now is sadly your legacy.

I don't want to hate you even after you are dead. You will die you know. For once in your life, be humble and admit your wrongs and apologise.


Anonymous said...

You should take a break, sir, I think. Maybe you should go to Pangkor Island and you'll know what relax, happy and carefree mean.

cakapaje said...

Salam Cikgu,

I remember reading somewhere" "A man who place his pride above everything else, will die in disgrace. But a man who place his conscience above his pride, will be highly esteemed."

Its still not too late for Tun to do the latter. And let us pray he does it.

Unknown said...

Frankly I do need a break and Pangkor is just the place I have in mind. I last went there in 1972, just imagine.

Unknown said...

I truly hope he does because as it is right now, no amount of good he has done could outdo the harm he inflicted on us. In matters like this, there is simply no grey area, it is either black or white, at least that is what it is to me. Maybe just a very narrow grey belt.

Anonymous said...

My goodness, that's why....

1972 was the year of the rat, like this year. Pangkor has changed so much ever since. Then there was only one hotel in Pasir Bogak, that was the Sea View Hotel, another in Teluk Belanga, Golden Sands Beach Hotel. And there was this Government Rest House where Almarhum Sultan Idris used to frequent with his royal entourage and there he met all the local taukehs over game of gin rummy and mahjong, and gin and rum. Somewhere in the vicinity of the jungle was Sam Khoo's Mini Camp.

Sea View Hotel is still there. On the site of the Rest House now stands Puteri Bayu Resort. The Mini Camp is now Uptown Beach Resort. Golden Sands changed entity 4 times, it had been Pan Pacific Resort previously and now it is 5-star Pangkor Island Beach Resort.

There was only a stretch of kampung road from Pangkor Jetty to the first beach Pasir Bogak. Teluk Nipah, Teluk Belanga and Teluk Dalam were inaccessible by road. And Teluk Nipah was a maiden jungle, only during the last 2 decades it started to evolve into a tourist spot as it is now.

Now we have more than 40 hotels and resorts on the island, chalets in Teluk Nipah make the most numbers. We have great infrastructure, public ammenities and facilities, top class communication (fibre-optics, streamyx and wireless broadband) and an airport.

We still have clean beautiful beaches. We a local as ADUN who aspires to be the next MB, which I think will not improve anything.

We have hundreds of mat rempits on booze and drugs, always eager to show their biking skills. We have Bumiputeras who live in squatters amidst the ongoing developments. We have F class contractors who pretend to be A and BX class. Well, Pangkor is Truly Malaysia, as Malaysia is Truly Asia and Asia is Truly World and the World is Truly Universe.

Anyway, are you really sure you were last here in 1972? P Ramlee was here around that time and he said this was "Pulau Penyamun", though now I can promise you, despite the mat rempits Pangkor is tourist friendly and safe.

Unknown said...

Oh yes I remember alright. It wasn't planned really. Someone couldn't make it for a group tour and so my friend Lawrence persuaded me to join. The absentee's deposit was forfeited and I paid only about half-price. How could I forget? I didn't get to swim though. Since we started at night from Butterworth and reached Lumut in the early morning and had no sleep till the first ferry, I slept all the way in the boat, missing the morning view.

tokasid said...

Salam che'gu:

Monolog seorang tua sepi.

Orang tua sepi:Aku rasa sungguh sunyi kala ini.Dulu terlalu ramai yang dampingi aku sehingga lenguh2 tangan aku berjabat tangan.Aku kenal tangan2 mereka walaupun wajah mereka tak aku kenali.Ada tangan putih dan lembut bile berjabat di dewan-dewan besar atau hotel mewah. Ada tangan yang legam dan kasar bila aku ke pendalaman, membuat rasa gerutu tapak mencubit tapak tangan aku.Ada tangan yang harum wangi di rendam minyak wangi Paris berliter-liter jumlahnya.Ada tapak tangan yang berbau getah sekerap atau tempoyak selepas meraut tangan aku.

Semua mereka claim mengenali aku.semua mahu bergambar dengan aku agar boleh di tunjuk pada tetamu mereka atau pada cucu2 mereka nanti.

Ramai yang beratur di tepi jalan bila aku melawat.Ramai yang memakai pakaian sekolah, berdiri di tengah panas terik. Tidak ada kelas kah mereka hari ini? Mungkin ibu bapa mereka menyuruh mereka datang menyambut aku. tapi mengapa anak2 ini bercakap bahasa loghat daerah masing-masing? Mungkin aku akan menyuruh mereka guna kan bahasa orang putih supaya hilang loghat daerah mereka.

Di bawah khemah2 pula ramai yang menunggu aku tiba.Ahh...mungkin mereka mahukan projek pembangunan.
Tak apa lah. Aku akan minta tok ketua negeri bantu mereka ini, tapi aku risau juga sebab tok-tok ketua negeri pun ramai yang mengambil projek-projek dengan menggunakan proxy. Tapi bila mereka buat begitu ,akan menambah 'peluru' bagi aku jika mereka tak mahu sokong aku lagi.

Tak apa lah. Tapi kalau projek-prjek besar di pusat aku rasa kenalan-kenalan di Kuala Selut lebih layak.Mereka boleh bantu anak-anak jika perlu.

Tapi kini...aku betul-betul sunyi.Sepi. Kemana aku pergi sudah tidak ramai yang menyambut aku. Yang dulu sentiasa menunjuk muka di majlis-majlis ku juga sudah hilang batang hidung mereka. Mereka mudah lupa,dulu aku yang tolong mereka.

Dulu yang puji-puji aku ,sekarang sudah pandai mencaci aku di belakang.Ada sesetengahnya berani secara terang-terangan.Memang yang jenis ini anak jantan!

Dulu ada hulubalang-hulubalang yang aku ambil, sering mengipas aku.Aku hebat kata mereka.Aku amat adil kata mereka.Aku amat bijak kata mereka.Aku punya ingatan yang bagus kata mereka.
Tapi kini, mereka kata aku nyanyuk.Mereka kata aku kejam.Mereka kata aku kuku besi.
Yang terbaru ada budak-budak hingusan buat kain rentang,kata Aku Mudah Lupa!! Ada ka patut lagu tu??

Sekarang ni depa suruh aku bagi keterangan pulak sebab ada orang mabuk asyik nak korek,korek,korek dan pom-pom apa pulak dah.Mana aku ingat semua tu. Kalau aku ingatpun, sapa nak marah kalau aku kata aku tak ingat?

Menyesal aku bagi jawatan tok penghulu kat orang yang suka tidurkalau aku tahu begini jadinya ,lebih baik aku stay on dulu. Tapi apa boleh buat,taik kambing bulat-bulat. Nasi sudah jadi bubur.Mee maggi sudah jadi mee sua'.

Yang lebih sedih,minggu lalu kawan lama aku tok pebghulu kretek dan tempe telah meninggal dunia.Aku kamcing dengan dia. Tapi aku kesian macamana anak-anak kampung dia layan dia selepas dia tak jadi tok penghulu lagi. Awat depa hina dia sampai macam tu sekali.Dia pun macam aku jugak dulu.Banyak pembanguna kami bawak untuk kampung kami masing-masing.Aku tak tau samada anak-anak kampung dia maafkan dia atau tidak.

Aku pun cuak. Bagaimana anak-anak kampung Boleh ni akan layan aku selepas ini? Selepas aku asyik mudah lupa?Atas nasihat aku dulu supaya jangan lupa, mereka memang tidak lupa lagi. Tak lupa apa yang aku buat.Yang baik dan yang buruk. How aku wish depa akan lupa semua tu!
Kalau depa dah tak lupa, adakah aku akan di maafkan? Aku sendiri rasa aku tak buat salah apa-apa pada mereka atau kampung Boleh ini. Kalau aku tak rasa salah maka aku tak berdosa pada mereka.

Tapi ramai yang kata, aku lah yang jadi tok penghulu masa peristiwa kampung Mamalee dulu ,tapi masa tu aku kan tak ada di kampung! Aku ziarah kampung lain.Depa jugak kata aku buat projek potong Lalang. Ya lah...kalau lalang dah banyak dalam kampung aku kena la tebas. Kalau tak nanti lalang naik junjung,bukan sireh.Kalau lalang banyak tak cantik lah kampung aku. So,salahkah aku tebasatau racun atau bakar lalang?Tak salah kan?

Dah tu ada yang kata aku fitnah assistant aku dok menjub*q. Ada ka aku buat lagu tu? Aku tak ingat pun. Jangan-jangan hangpa nak fitnah aku kot. Hangpa ingat, fitnah tu lebih teruk dari membunuh.Aku tahu ,jadi takkan lah aku nak fitnah assistant aku. Tapi sebenarnya aku tak ingat kes tu...sungguh!!

Dulu-dulu ada satu orang di kampung ni jugak,dia ada impian nak jadi tok penghulu kampung kita ni.Tapi layak ka dia? Denganpakai lebai putih dan simpan janggut mana dia boleh jadi tok penghulu.Nanti orang kampung lain tak mau berniaga lah kat kampung kita ni.

Masa tu, ramai orang kampung marah kat aku.Pasai kes assistant aku tu lah...err...kes yang aku lupa tu....Ramai yang maki hamun aku dan doa supaya aku mati cepat.
Tapi tok syeh ni dia bagitau kat orang-orang yang suka pada dia: Jangan begitu!Kita kena doakan agar ALLAH panjangkan umur tok penghulu ni.Biar sampai umur 100 pun tak apa.kalau umur dia panjang, mungkin dia akan lihat betapa dia akan di hina oleh anak buah dia sendiri..Dia akan di maki hamun oleh orang-orang yang dulu sanjung dia.

Jadi aku sekarang risau.Adakah du'a orang-orang yang lawan aku ni sedang menjadi? sebab sekarang makin ramai anak-anak buah aku yang mula mengata tentang hal-hal aku dulu.

Memang aku rasa sunyi sekarang.Sepi.Aku tak tahu samada apa yang aku cakap atau tulis akan orang gunapakai lagi seperti dulu. Orang sudah hilang hormat pada aku. Itu yang aku sedih.Mujur anak-anak aku ada.dan beberapa kerat lagi anak buah yang asih sokong aku...kalau tak tentu aku mati kesepian.

(che'gu,I have decided to make this comment as a new posting. Boleh ya?)

Unknown said...

Cantik memang cantik tp doc lupa nak boh trademark dia, 'APA NAMA' ada yang tu lagi kaw.

Elisha said...

come to think of it, i am not sure if a simple i am sorry, i was wrong statement would suffice. i know that denying things would be redundant because mostly everyone knows the truth and it makes him look like a fool... am just saying that "DR M admits fault" across the already politically biased newspapers might not undo all the damage he has already done.. how do i not feel that we are just doomed? am young, am just about to graduate and i feel like running away to a different country to start my life... sometimes i feel being in the dark or being ignorant makes like a whole lot easier.. blerrrgh..

Unknown said...

Very mature thoughts from someone so young. I said that to him because I know that he is incapable of even a simple apology. He will never do it. Now who is the recalcitrant?

monsterball said...

Good Morning kata tak nak!
We seems to have the same desires and opinions on Mahathir.
He will never repent....and will keep showing and teaching those who hero worship to speak and behave..which if you observe...quite a few do learn the art to lie and cheat like him...never repent.
And he is no doubt..the smartest cunning foxy human we ever can witness....and his 22 years as PM is the root cause for what our country and the people are today.
Just keep reading how he can still twist and turn...focusing on Pak if he is still almighty.
Whether one term or more than's none of his bloody business. It will be determine by the voters...and he keeps telling Malaysians...he chosed Pak Lah. No kata tak nak...he RECOMMEMDED Pak Lah to UMNO kingpins...for his own selfish reasons approved and got backfired....straight to his face!!!
And he his a real racialists.... dividing his own race to rule.
For more than 3 years...I hoped and prayed he will also ask for forgiveness or at least keep quiet..and stay out of politics......but no...his continuous jabbing at Pak Lah is infact....showing he will keep doing this....till the day he protect his family and challenging PM to arrest him,...knowing cannot be done.
Actually should be done...but like Samy Vellu..he can bring few to jail with him....and UMNO will go all out to protect their own kind from going to jail on corruptions.
That's the democratic country we all are living under UMNO management.
In a way....he is actually exposing what UMNO get voters away from that party. He is helping the opposition...not that he wants it....but for anything and everything to his favour.
His selfishness...cunningness......thick skin face....and the Emperor who wears no clothes...a stupid clown...have no limits...that when he infact showing how stupid he can be.
Yes..kata tak nak....take a break..if you need one...but if blogging do keep your mind alert and strong....why stop thinking?
There was once I stopped for few months...and took up reading more books...watching movies....but I am still working.
Go and have a picnic with your grand need any pulau la.....Penang is such a beautiful pulau with so many good spots to a spot...that's it....relax and umwind.
But if time and money is of no problems....yes get out of Penang to see other places....with your wife only..two ..on another secret honeymoon trip to never never land.

tokasid said...


Orang tua sepi: Errr..Apa nama tu... minta maaf?Saya tak buat salah apa...bukan ada saya bagi sapa-sapa lebam mata ka...Dulu saya buat apa pun semua rakyat sokong jadi mana ada saya buat salah. Apa nama, kalu buat salah bukan saya lah, tu rakyatlah buat salah bukan saya. Saya cuma wakil pada rakyat. jadi apa nama...kalau rakyat yang salah tak kan la saya yang nak minta maaf pulak. Sepatutnya rakyat la kena minta maaf pada saya betoi dak? Awat rakyat ni mudah lupa? Saya mana ada lupa.Saya selalu ingat apa yang saya buat.Kalu saya tak ingat maknanya saya tak buat lah. Apa?? Kes lebam mata?? Ada ka orang lebam mata? Saya tuduh dia buat tak senonoh kat jantan lain? Ya ka? Saya ka kata lagu tu? Ntah, saya tak ingat pun.Mungkin cara tu macam saya tapi saya tak pasti 100% tu saya lah...betoi, betoi,betoi saya tak ingat..sungguh! Mana saya pernah bohong...tak pernah. cakap tak betoi tu adalah tapi itu bukan bohong kan??

Unknown said...

Lawyer: TDM, were you the Prime Minister of Malaysia when this clip was taken?

TDM: Hmm! I can't remember.

Lawyer: To refresh your memory please watch this video, courtesy of RTM. Was this you taking the oath to be PM?

TDM: Hmm! Look a lot like me, the voice is also like mine.

Lawyer: So you are denying you were the PM.

TDM: I don't have to, apa nama, answer anything. I am UMNO, UMNO is me, I am Malaysia, Malaysia is me. Without me what is Malaysia. I am the greatest PM in the world. Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, apa nama, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Anonymous said...

I used to hate the Tun for what he did that affect my life and livelihood which I shall not elaborate. But now, come to think of it, actually he was in control of the situation. Needed to. The current PM has no control at all, my goodness, that's why everything has become this bad. Imagine those 22 years without Mahathir. Imagine it was someone else who lead the country. I think what is happening now had happened much sooner. Think of it.

Apologise? That's something you do when you regret. What if you don't?

I still live on this peaceful island. Just started a blog entitled Pangkor Visited. I hope you can contribute something there. Old photos, maybe?

Click on my nick to view.

Unknown said...

Very true what you said about Mahathir.

I am waiting for a suitable time and of course if by that time I come across some extra money, I would like to take a break. Just unwind for about 2 days by the beach and do nothing.

Anonymous said...

Sorry the link doesn't work. It's here:

monsterball said...

And kata tak nak....No it is not difficult for people to apolgise.
It is tabu for UMNO ministers and politicians to apologise.
Who is the great master to them...why the devil in easy to understand.
And for Pak Lak....supposedly more holier than such a cunning and foxy man too.
Of late...this desperado sleepy idiot..give so much good news to Malaysians....I simply cannot help laughing over them.
Can you imagine MAS noted to play race and religion politics in the company.....keep loosing saying will make RM1 billion nett per year for next 5 years?
Not one airline in the world or any huge company dare to talk like that....except Malaysia!! I am sure speech approved by PM to let so call all good news out....hahahahahaha
And now...Sunday headline news...government will have improved this or that services for the people..but ...NEVER...I repeat NEVER..tell you what will be the punishments...if those so call good news are not delivered!!
If Pak Lah want to live to his promises to be the people's PMN...he should say.."If I get three complaints from the public on one person or one Dept...I will sack that person or demote that department head..or transfer him to timbuktu".....that if he dare to say and act .will surely win him votes!!
He dare not..for that will surely get him into trouble with UMNO corrupted lot...which includes him dare not act and do saying he is one of the same sinking sailing boat.
So all those good news...spending billions on few huge projects...which so clear.... the poor needs to suffer with higher oil prices...toll fees and daily support those huge projects. It is robbing the poor to enrich the rich 500 years ago the British and French governments....surprisingly being repeated in our country....yet idiots still vote for them..non stop..for 50 years....on-going.
You know why? Those UMNO cunning foxes know how to pick and choose slaves to have easy lives...paid good salaries.. without working.
Yes....Malaysian majority voters are the laughing stock to the whole it is the only so call developed country in the world to keep one party rule if they own the country and the people.
But the majority have now realize the great great mistakes and I sincerely believe....better late than vote UMNO out and make the brave change.

Anonymous said...

saw your name in Penarik Beca, click the link and I knew this must be my lost friend form USM, Desa Harapan.
If you are in KL, can we meet for teh tarek one day.

Unknown said...

Cikgu Fizik,
I wonder who you may be but it thrills me at the idea of meeting up old friends but unfortunately I am here in Penang. That should of course not stop us from renewing old ties. I am at
Please do contact me.

Unknown said...

Cikgu Fizik,
I wonder who you may be but it thrills me at the idea of meeting up old friends but unfortunately I am here in Penang. That should of course not stop us from renewing old ties. I am at
Please do contact me.


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